Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lewis Nash Jazz Drumming workshop

Here are a few videos worth checking out for students interested in jazz, by Lewis Nash. He's very eloquent, he plays a bit, and it's a good explanation of this approach to playing the drums. He mostly talks about playing in an ensemble, being supportive, etc, it's a chops free zone.

Can drummers be tasteful?
(the answer is yes)
..."playing the drums, you have a lot of power at your disposal. You can wipe everybody out at any moment, if you chose to do that. So, a bit of taste is in order"...

Who were the first jazz percussionists?
He begins by explaining that other than the voice, percussion was probably the first type of music making by humans. He goes on to perform on voice and snare drum. Not bad scatting for a drummer...

In this video, Lewis talks about comping and playing in a supporting role, in a conventional jazz setting.

The MVP Mindset
He starts by saying "first of all, you can't sound like Max Roach", which is a good start.
I also like "the hi hat isn't a function, it's a sound".


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