Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ashbury Primary

I'm now teaching at Ashbury Primary School. This info is for parents of my students at Ashbury PS.

You should already know about the band website: which has a lot of information.

Please note the following school policies:
  • Students must be delivered to and picked up from the teaching room by a parent or guardian. Please do not drop them or have them wait to be picked up at the front gate at these out of school hours.
  • A parent must be either inside the room or in the area immediately outside the door for the duration of the instrument lesson. This is for the safety of both the student and the teacher. It also ensures that good communication is maintained.
  • Both tutors and parents are to advise at least 24 hours in advance if a lesson is to be missed.

    We use the Accent on Achievement books in lessons.  See the Drum Books: Beginner Students page for info.
    These are the books used in the school band. For students who have finished the Accent on Achievement books we may use some others from the Drum Books: Beginner Students page


    I am invoicing parents for lessons each term. My preference is direct deposit into my bank account, second preference is payment by cheque, third preference is cash.  I try to avoid the combination of business and teachng during a lesson if I can possibly avoid it. If this arrangement doesn't suit you, please let me know so we can make alternative arrangements. I'm happy to talk to parents about this between lessons, as I said I prefer not to worry about payments and invoices during lessons. 

    Missed lessons

    The school policy is that parents (and teachers) must give 24 hours notice for a missed lesson. If a lesson has been paid for but is missed for a good reason with notice, it can be credited (to the next term) or refunded. We're unlikely to have time for "catch up" lessons.  Notice should be given via email or text message, ideally.

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